Registros Clásicos de los orígenes de los Escitas, Partos, y las tribus relacionadas

by William Finck

En el prefacio de Las guerras de Josefo, el historiador explica que originalmente escribió el libro en "la lengua de nuestro país", es decir, hebreo o arameo, talvez, y lo envió a los "bárbaros superiores o del norte'', entre los que a continuación los nombra como "los Partos ... Babilonios ... árabes mas remotos ... y los de nuestra nación más allá del Éufrates, con el Adiabeni ". 

A excepción de los Partos, las designaciones de Josefo aquí son geográficas, donde provienen de las páginas de su libro Antigüedades que muchos de los Israelitas de la deportación a Babilonia todavía habitaban alrededor de Babilonia en su tiempo (15.3.1), lo que incluiría las " remotas " partes de Arabia adyacentes a Babilonia (cf. Actos 2:11; 1 Pedro 5:13.). Además, Josefo atestigua que muchos Israelitas de la deportación asiria fueron "más allá del Éufrates hasta ahora", donde fueron "una multitud inmensa, y no se calcula por el número" (11.5.2). Adiabene es la parte de Asiria, que, según Estrabón en su Geografía, no es en Mesopotamia, sino que consiste en las llanuras más allá del Tigris limítrofes con Babilonia al sur y a Armenia al norte (16.1.1, 19). Media bordea Adiabene en el este. 

Remembering National Action

National Action was probably the only legitimate opposition group in Britain, before it was banned, and some of its former members still languish in prison without ever having committed any actual crimes. We have not forgotten them, and post this inspiring video as a token of remembrance.

Richard D. Porter

In Memory of Richard D. Porter

It is with regret that we have to bring to the notice of our readers the death on 3rd March, 2011 of Richard D. Porter, a valiant warrior for the truth.

Righteous Indignation in Germany - Finally!!!


This is from Face of a dying Nation at Youtube. Here is their text accompanying the video:

Published on May 1, 2016

Heiko Maas, the German Federal Minister of Justice, was unable to finish his Labor Day celebration speech on the 1st of May as he was loudly booed and chased off the stage by the German people. The people repeatedly shouted "Traitor", "Leftist Rat", "Get out!", "We are the People" and "Maas must go!", eventually getting him to cancel his speech and flee to his armored vehicle escorted by his armed bodyguards.

Maas is considered one of the biggest proponents of expanding censorship laws, demanding persecution, fines and jail-time for everybody posting "hate speech" on social media.

He also does not acknowledge the existence of the German people, backing his party, the Social Democrats, in the opinion that Europe was always made up of immigrants and Germany's only chance of redemption for the eternal guilt of World War 2 is inviting as many Muslim immigrants as possible.

His party took devastating losses in polls across the country, losing to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) by a landslide in the last state election of Saxony, where he held his speech.

Maas' party recently published plans to build 350,000 entirely new homes for "newcomers" to solve the "demographic crisis". In his speech he claimed that "the people shouting 'traitor' don't even know what's happening to them". But it appears that they know very well what is being done to them.
The German people are confused and angry about why they're told that they have to be frugal and avoid having children because of the immense cost while simultaneously working their fingers to the bones to fund a foreign invasion.

The people in the audience hence ridiculed him for claiming that the actual workers in the audience "hijack Labor Day". The hypocrisy of celebrating Labor and fair wages while his party supports the import of millions of unskilled workers is what got him chased off the stage.