Ottoman Germany

This too may be dismissed as Jewish anti-Islam propaganda. However the average moslem in the streets of Europe understands that he is there to colonize and supplant Western society. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of "refugees" are men between 20 and 50 years of age, who brought no family to Europe.


Paul Weston on the Woolwich Killing, Islam and the State of Modern Britain

Not that we believe in a political solution to the woes of Christendom, it is nevertheless refreshing to see new faces - at least, new to us - expressing pieces of the problem.

Paul Weston, Chairman of new political party Liberty GB, speaks out about the Woolwich murder, Islam and the state of Britain today.

Liberty GB is here to protect the traditional British way of life, which has been ignored by the so-called 'Conservative' Party. We are a culturalist, traditionalist and patriotic party that will talk truthfully about immigration and Islam. We are not career politicians, and we don't respond to whips - we'll always stand up for facts, and we'll always stand against hatred and intolerance.


From the LibertyGB Youtube channel

Plato And The Kabbalah

We do not agree with everything here, but it has some good points, and we hope to write on this topic one day soon. But who wrote this article? If you know, please email us and let us know!

Throughout the centuries, leading Jewish mystics and Kabbalists regarded Plato as astudent of their doctrines. Among the prominent Kabbalists of the Renaissance, forexample, was Leone Ebreo, who saw Plato as dependent on the revelation of Moses, and even as a disciple of the ancient Kabbalists. While Rabbi Yehudah Messer Leon, criticized the Kabbalah's similarity to Platonism, his son described Plato as a divine master. Other Kabbalists, such as Isaac Abravanel and Rabbi Yohanan Alemanno, believed Plato to have been a disciple of Jeremiah in Egypt. On the similarity of the teachings of the Greek philosophers and the Kabbalah, Rabbi Abraham Yagel commented:

Police Beat White Suspect, Only "Incorporating the Arrest"

"Incorporating the arrest"? Is the news announcer serious? If the cops were beating the living shit out of a submissive negro, what would he have said then? Where are the protests and cries for justice on behalf of an apparently white criminal? Where are the cries for justice against the evil white cops? The media hypocrisy never ends...