Fear Porn and the Flu in Fifty-Seven

The interviewer appears to be playing up the reason for fear, while the doctors seem to be playing it down, and at the same time portraying medicine and vaccines as saviors.


The Silent Invader (Westinghouse Broadcasting, 1957)

From the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

This film discusses how the United States is preparing for an outbreak of Asian influenza. Prominent physicians and the head of the US Public Health Service address types of influenza, the nature of the virus, mortality rates, spread patterns, vaccines, the physician's responsibility, and medical advice for people who fall ill.

Fighting Food Bolshevism

The original title was "Fighting Food Fascism". They may know about food, but it is Bolshevik jews who perpetrated such evil things, using food as a weapon, and not Nazis. So we changed it.


Free Speech Ruling in Spain - Is there Hope Yet for Truth in Europe?

This article is originally from http://www.globalfire.tv/nj/11en/persecution/madrid_ruling.htm

NJ Logo

National Journal, first published: 09/06/2011

"The Day in Madrid when the Revolution for Human Rights was put into motion."

Das Schaufenster der KALKI-Buchandlung in Barcelona. Jetzt legal.

Kalki book store window, now legal in Spain.

On June 3, 2011 the Spanish Supreme Court in Madrid ruled that, disseminating NS Ideology and disputing the so-called Holocaust, is no longer an offense. Prosecution is prohibited, even if disputing the "Holocaust" is of direct relevance to the dissemination of NS-Ideology.

The presiding Judge, Dr. Adolfo Prego, clearly condemned the prosecution: "Advocating an ideology is not punishable no matter which ideology is involved."

In order to put a stop to arbitrary German style persecution, even the most tasteless expressions such as "the Germans had every reason to burn/gas the Jews," or "why did they not burn the Jews alive together with the deceased?", or "pure Blacks are culturally and socially on the lowest rung of the ladder", are no longer subject to persecution and punishment. Judge Dr. Adolfo Prego abhors such comments, however, he does not deem them punishable, as this would open the door to random prosecution of any opinion expressed. Such pronouncements are only subject to prosecution when they are expressed with a call for violence. This ruling of the Supreme Court in Madrid could eventually enter the history books as the inception of human rights revolution in Europe.

Galilée des Gentils ?

Galilée des Gentils?

par William Finck


Cette phrase «Galilée des Gentils» apparaît en Matt. 4:15 et est une citation d’Ésaïe 9:1 (où l’A.V.[Authorized Version of the King James Bible] la traduit par «Galilée des nations»). Matt. 4:14 infère que la prophétie d’Ésaïe fut accomplie lorsque Yahshua quitta Nazareth (Matt. 4:13) pour la «Galilée des Gentils». Mais l’accomplissement de la prophétie d’Ésaïe, était-ce seulement cela ? Et Matt. 4:16, qui cite Psaumes 23:4? Certainement PAS! Au contraire, c’était uniquement le début de l’accomplissement de la prophétie, qui prendra pas mal de temps pour s’accomplir pleinement.

Après cela, Matthieu décrit l’appel des apôtres par Yahshua (4:18 et suiv.), onze d’entre eux étant de la tribu de Benjamin. Une discussion sur le douzième, Judas Ish Kérioth, sortirait du propos de cet article. Beaucoup d’entre les Benjamites et Lévites s’installèrent en Galilée après le retour de Babylone, c’est évident d’après les Écritures. Saül de Tarse, appelé beaucoup plus tard, était aussi de la tribu de Benjamin (Rom. 11:1). Lorsque l’ancien Royaume d’Israël fut divisé après la mort de Salomon, Benjamin resta avec la tribu de Juda dans ce but même (1 Rois 11:9--13, 36). Les apôtres de cette tribu accomplissaient leur devoir en tant que porteurs de lumière pour Israël.