Germany: Owned by the Bankers

The following two paragraphs are from the article German Bond Bid Failure: Revenge of The Bankers at the investors' website, The article was written by Joseph Calhoun, and explains very briefly why and how the German nation is a whore chained to the bed of the bankers. The bottom line is that the taxpayers will be forced to cover the bankers' bad loans, and Italy and Greece will continue to borrow into default, until the bankers own all of Europe, and sell cheap it to China, Russia and whoever (and probably mostly to jews)!

Germany got a wake up call last week when an auction of 10 year government bonds failed to get bids for 35% of the bonds offered. While German bond auction failures are not as infrequent as one might imagine – six of the last eight auctions received fewer bids than the maximum amount of bonds offered – this one, coming in the midst of the European debt crisis, was perceived to be more ominous. If the strongest economy in Europe can’t sell all of its bonds, what chance does Italy or Greece have? Some have opined that this failure means the euro crisis has entered a new phase and that Germany itself – the one government in Europe thought capable of ending the crisis – is now at risk. It was more likely a power play by Europe’s bankers intended to send a message to Merkel and Schaeuble. And it appears the message was received.

Schaeuble has been at the forefront in Germany demanding that banks share losses in any sovereign bailouts that come via the European Stability Mechanism to be established next year (moved up from 2013). The failed German bund auction last week was the banks reply and Schaeuble almost immediately backed down. Friday, Schaeuble told reporters that “(i)f we now manage to move toward a stability union, we’ll see how one might possibly adjust the treaty”. Bankers 1, Schaeuble 0. It would appear the bankers are firmly in charge of Europe now and have no intention of playing the patsy. The banks were given an incentive to buy sovereign debt under the Basel committee rules that essentially made all European sovereign debt risk free. Banks could own European sovereign debt – no matter the country of issuance – without having to reserve for potential defaults. Europe’s governments, having fixed the rules to ensure a market for the bonds to fund their welfare states, now want to renege – and the bankers are having none of it. Click here to read more.

Glenn Haughton OBE MBA Cucks to NWO on Racist British Soldiers

Recently, a long-time member of the Christogenea Forum and a member of the British army was arrested for racism in Britain. Sadly, it looks like he is going to do 8 years for possession of pepper spray, and the sentence was enhanced because of his alleged racism.

Greenbacks by Dion Thomas - Published in 1864

GREENBACKS”; OR, THE EVILS AND THE REMEDY OF USING “Promise to pay to the bearer on demand” AS A MEASURE OF VALUE.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by


In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.

THE present monetary condition of the people, imposed on their government by a gigantic rebellion, is attracting the attention of thinking men;  and they are beginning to inquire, if money, or a measure of value, can be made of paper, without committing or sanctioning a fraud ?

Harassed by Alison Porter

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in an effort to advance awareness and understanding of issues relating to history, religion, civil rights, economics, individual rights, international affairs, liberty, science & technology, etc.

Here Be Cannibals


Over a very large part of the secluded area there is no evidence that human flesh was ever eaten, and no first-hand account of it is recorded by Fynn, Livingstone, Galton, Speke, or Baker. In several places the native inhabitants knew that cannibalism existed elsewhere; Speke and Baker give examples of this. Fynn mentions a tribe living in the vicinity of the Zulu that was stated to have taken to eating human flesh when their cattle were stolen; but this was not confirmed by direct observation, and the vast majority of Kafrid tribes were never cannibals, so far as is known. No suggestion is made anywhere that any Nilotid was ever a cannibal. Schweinfurth remarks of the Dinka (Ni), ‘It is scarcely necessary to say that the accounts of the cannibalism of the Niam-Niam excite as much horror amongst them as amongst ourselves.’

Heródoto, los escitas, Persas y Profecía

by William Finck

El propósito de esta exposición es mostrar cómo, si uno no está familiarizado con la historia secular (de los cuales gran parte se encuentra en los clásicos griegos), uno no va a entender completamente las Escrituras. La nación de Judea compuesta principalmente de "higos malos" (hoy llamado "Judíos") no se dispersan hasta el año 70 DC, como fue profetizado en Jer. 24:8-10, 26:6, 29: 17-19., Cristo mismo lo afirmó en Lucas 21:24. Mientras que Santiago en 1:1 habla de las "doce tribus que están dispersas en el extranjero", y Santiago murió antes del 70 dC, como atestigua Josefo, Santiago no se dirigía a la denominados "Judíos" dispersos en el año 70, y tampoco pudieron los " Judíos " haberse ya extendido en el extranjero, afirmar ser descendientes de las tribus que no sean sólo tres, Judá, Benjamín y Leví, y sólo una pequeña fracción han reasentado Judea a su regreso de Babilonia.

A excepción de su larga descripción de Egipto en el libro 2, y sus otras incursiones en el pasado, Herodoto dio la historia de Persia, que abarca el reinado de cinco reyes: Ciro (1. 46) Cambises(. 2 1) pseudo-Esmerdis ( 3. 67), Darío (3. 88), y Jerjes (7. 5). Estos reyes son los mismos reyes que nuestro profeta Daniel habla en Daniel 11:1-2.

Heródótos, Skýþar, Persar og Spádómar

William R. Finck Jr. 2007 

Tilgangur þessarar afflettu er að sýna fram á að sé maður ekki kunnugur veraldlegri sögu ( sem mikið af er að finna í Grískum klassískum bókmenntum), muni sá ekki að fullu skilja Ritninguna. Þjóð Júdeu sem samanstóð mest af " slæmum fíkjum" ( sem kallast í dag "Gyðingar") var ekki dreift fyrr en 70 e.Kr, eins og var spáð fyrir í Jer. 24:8-10, 26:6, 29:17-19 et al., staðfest af Kristi sjálfum í Lúkasarguðspjalli 21:24. En Jakobsbréf 1:1 talar um " tólf kynkvíslir í dreifingu", og Jakob dó fyrir 70 e.Kr, eins og Jósefus staðfestir, Jakob var ekki að tala við hina svokölluðu "Gyðinga" dreift árið 70, og hvorki gátu þeir "Gyðingar" þegar útbreiddir um heiminn sagt sig vera komna af ættkvíslunum öðrum en þremur, Júda. Benjamín og Leví, og aðeins örlítið brot af þeim nam land á ný í Júdeu eftir heimkomuna frá Babylon. Umfram fyrir langa lýsingu sína á Egyptalandi í bók 2, og öðrum athugunum sínum á fortíðinni, gaf Heródótos lýsingu á sögu Persíu samkvæmt ráðatímum fimm konunga: Kýros(1. 46), Kambýses(2. 1), Súdó-Smerdis(3. 67), Daríus (3. 88), og Xerxes (7. 5). Þessir konungar eru nákvæmlega sömu konungar og þeir sem Daníel spámaður okkar talaði um í Daníelsbók 11:1-2.