Suicides in the Welsh Valleys

This important article, pertinent to this month's upcoming Saxon Messenger editorial, was found nowhere online, so we take the liberty to reproduce it here.

ISSUE 4 - 2011 - UK COLUMN – Page 24

Suicides In The Welsh Valleys: A Cry For Help From Our Young People Or Something Dark At Work In Our Society? Understanding Is The First Step To A Solution.

by Brian Gerrish

Some two years ago national media and press reports high­ lighted a spate of suicides in South Wales, mostly in the area of Bridgend and Rhondda. Principally teenagers and young people in their twenties, a few victims were in their mid forties and early fifties. The deaths came in clusters, sometimes amongst young people closely related or connected with each other, and at times amongst individuals in the same area.

A telling sign that something unusual is at work, is the fact that the majority of victims hanged themselves. This is generally at odds with national statistics where hanging is the preferred method of men and boys, and women and girls choose an overdose or other method.

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Starting in early 2007, the numbers soon passed double figures, and the suicides rapidly raised media attention. with reports generating much speculation on the causes. This in turn caused some anger at the press - a few parents accused the media of "glamorising ways of taking one's life to young people", whilst the MP for the Bridgend area said that the media were "now part of the problem." Apparently as a result of such criticism the media and press were encouraged to scale back reports so as to calm emotions and to help stop 'copycat' suicides.

Sweden's No-Go Zones Not Safe for Cops or Cameras

The CBS News 60 Minutes crew is about to enter a neighborhood in Sweden which is actually a Somali squatter colony. The cameraman is run over by a car. They call the police, but the police won't escort the crew through neighborhood, telling them they are better off without them.

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part One

This video reveals that the jew is purposefully using their campaign of "multiculturalism" to destroy White identity and society. With the emasculation of the Aryan male in an effeminate culture of vanity and perversion, the jew can get away with such arrogant and open plans to destroy the White Christian nations. In the mid-19th century a sedition trial would have been over long ago, and this jewess devil would have been lawfully dispatched for the attempted destruction of a nation. Yet the demoness featured in this video is not alone. She is one of millions throughout the West who have been forcing a program of "multiculturalism" and "diversity" on the White nations for over a hundred years now. With the progress of their agenda, they have now become completely open about it. When will the civilized nations awaken, and see that they have become like Africa and Mexico and India? Hellholes and cesspools of corruption and anarchy await a sleeping Christendom.

See The Immigration Problem and Biblical Prophecy at

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part Two

Jews do not have the capacity to understand why it is that they are hated, but this video is a sure display of one of the primary reasons. It is the goal of the jew to destroy White Christendom, and this proves as much straight from their own mouths. How do Whites remain blind to this jewish treachery?

The Golden Dawn: Can Right Rise in Europe?

Are there any true patriots left in Europe, who can cut through the Capitalist/Communist propaganda offered by the jewish-controlled media? The Bolsheviks themselves had a central bank! If one is anti-"facist" or anti-Right, then one is beholden to the jew and will forever remain a slave to the bankers.