A View from the Past: An Issue of The South African Observer - October 1981

Warning: The people known today as "Jews" have not ever been the true people of Israel. Rather, they are Edomite-Khazar impostors, and that can be established from the Bible and from History. For some of the evidence backing this statement, see the article at Christogenea.org, A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People. While the article below is good in that it elucidates Jewish hypocrisy, the author was unaware of this fact. 

We thank Mr. Jerel Mosley, who provided this issue from his personal library.

- WRF, Christogenea.org




A Journal for Realists


P.O. Box 2401, Pretoria.

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Volume XXVI No.11

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THE South African rugby tour in New Zealand left its people stunned, shocked and divided as never before in their history.

The eight weeks the Springboks spent in their country produced unprecedented street violence, culminating in a full-scale riot in Auckland.

Opponents of South Africa's racial policies staged marches, demonstrations and clashed repeatedly with police in their attempts to disrupt and halt matches.

There was something obscene in the sight of men with truncheons, the barbed wire, the police barricades and the ugly viciousness of the demonstrators, who mouthed "democracy" while they indulged in naked lawlessness and anarchy.

Incensed rugby fans fought the anti-apartheid forces at all the matches and in the streets.

Bitter disputes divided families and some couples said they had stopped sharing the same room because of the vehemence of their arguments.

Brawls broke out in bars and hosts at parties and dinners threatened to throw out anyone who raised the subject.

No one was neutral.


What the rugby tour did prove to be, however, was a victory for the right of sportsmen to choose with and against whom they will play; and, furthermore, that South African tours can still proceed in New Zealand, even though behind barbed wire and squads of riot police.

And - most important of all - the South African tour of New Zealand went to prove just how far advanced, and well orchestrated, is the worldwide campaign against racial discrimination, in even countries as peaceful as New Zealand.

And it was the same pattern of violence and disorder in the United States, during the second leg of the Springbok tour. In "the land of the free and the home of the brave"!

There, the Springboks were also humiliated and hounded from pillar to post by demonstrating mobs who did everything in their power to disrupt the tour and bring it to a halt.

And when the Governor of New York State could prohibit the Springboks playing in the State at all because "the local law enforcement resources were inadequate to protect the wellbeing and lives of the people of this State, and the properties of the State and its people, if the proposed game proceeds," it was perhaps time the United States asked itself whether it is not being a captive of the mobs, and of the sinister forces in the background which incite and control the mobs.

In any event, the time is long overdue for Western man - everywhere in the world - to ask these all-important questions:

Who originated the worldwide campaign against racial discrimination? Who spearheads it everywhere? And, who benefits from this highly organised and skilled campaign against the racial and national integrity of every White nation in the world today?


At present, worldwide movements are afoot to destroy the concept of Race and Nation of the peoples of the West, but not those of the unassimilable minorities in their midst.

Paradoxically, those in the forefront of the drive to abolish racial discrimination and to impose equalitarianism are those who themselves live by a concept of rigid racial, national and religious exclusiveness.

Their anti-racism, imposed with the fervour of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, is serving no other purpose than to break down the racial dynamism of Western peoples, while at the same time reinforcing and building up their own minority racism.

The same pattern is unfolding in South Africa, where the vast financial empire of Harry Oppenheimer and his Progressive Federal Party and his English-language newspaper monopoly are geared to the breaking down of the racial and national integrity of the White man.

And in all student and other "protests" against racial discrimination in South Africa, which have ended in open confrontations with the police, we have seen Jews playing-leading roles and being encouraged to the full by leading rabbis and other Jewish personalities.

The question naturally arises: What is the role of Jews in combating racial discrimination?


THE LITERATURE, both ancient and modern, relating to Race, Racial Discrimination and the attitude of the Israelites and European Jews to these questions reveals many interesting and significant features. Owing to the religious instruction given to them from their earliest years in all Christian communities, much of it is common knowledge to all European peoples.

Hardly a child in Christendom can have failed to have heard about the "chosen people", their pride of race, their exclusiveness and invincible xenophobia. Whether in the book of Ezra, in Nehemiah, or in Numbers, every Western schoolboy ultimately becomes familiar with the repeated and passionate protests of the ancient prophets of Israel against their people's tendency to consort and cohabit with "strange wives" and to depart from the strict endogamic laws of their Race's tradition.

Among the peoples named, with whom connubium was particularly forbidden, were the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites.

And whenever these prohibitions were disregarded, the ancient Israelitish prophets tore their hair in anger, foretelling imminent disaster to their people and often accounting for current calamities by the very fact that the Divine injunctions against exogamy had been infringed.


Conscious of their peculiar heritage, constitution and racial qualities, as a people "set apart" from the rest of mankind, and strangely aware of the menace to their character which any adulteration of their blood must involve (for we have no reason to suppose that any of the facts known to the modern scientific geneticist played a part in determining their endogamic rules and xenophobia), they behaved instinctively in exactly the same way as any modern stock-breeder would, who desired to preserve the purity and homogeneity of a particular breed of domestic animal.

Only thus can we account for the repeated and violent attacks on exogamy uttered by their leaders at various turning points in their history.

But whether in this attitude of racial aloofness the Israelites were in fact as peculiar as our Bible would lead us to suppose, may well be doubted; for all about them they had nations - the Egyptians above all - who Ifl their exclusiveness and mating regulations were rigidly endogamic and not only practised incest, but also were inspired by their dislike of the foreigner to restrict all contact with foreign traders and merchants, by allotting to them a specially demarcated zone on the outskirts of the country, beyond which visitors were forbidden to encroach.

Nor, when as the result of the Roman Dispersion, the Jews began to spread over the globe, was there much change in their aloofness and singularity; for many environmental influences combined to perpetuate both their sense of exclusiveness and their homogeneity.

And one of the most important of these influences was, of course, Christianity which very soon marked them out as an unassimilable element in the population, not regarded with favour.


But no consequences of these environmental influences was necessarily distasteful to the leading Jews of any historical period, who still regarded themselves as members of a "chosen race" and continued to pride themselves on the fact.

Now, by and large, it is not inaccurate to maintain that this attitude on the part of the leaders of Jewish thought lasted more or less right up to the end of the nineteenth century and a decade or two later. For even when Renan published his Histoire du Peuple D'lsrael (1887-1892), in which he maintained that the Jews were no longer a pure race owing to their miscegenation with various non-Jewish peoples, his views scandalized all orthodox Jews who were loud in their protests against such a wanton slander of their people.

Thus, almost a century before Hitler was heard of, Dr. Joseph Jacobs, a Jewish scholar of note, joined violent issue with Renan and expressed surprise that a man of his erudition could have overlooked the manifold objections to his sweeping claim that the Jews could not be a race.

Basing his attack on Renan on four principal points, he explained that the French scholar's belief, that Jewish proselytism must have added many Goyim to the Jewish fold, rested on a misunderstanding of what incorporation into the Jewish nation really meant.

H. Basnage, in his Histoire du Juifs, published 179 years before Dr. Jacobs' reply to Renan, makes the same point. Nor must we think of Basnage as a man with an axe to grind, who was either a Jew or an advocate in the Jewish cause. For he was a French protestant parson who wrote a wholly impartial history of the Jews.


Dr. Jacobs throws considerable doubt on the allegation that much miscegenation occurred between Jew and Gentile before the Age of Charlemagne, and declared that at least after this monarch's reign, when Europe became in fact Christendom, "no great intermarriage of Jews and Aryans can be discerned ... the Church isolated the Jews more and more by cutting them off from the trade guilds which were originally religious, and from all civil rights. The folklore of Europe regarded the Jews as something infra-human, and it would require an almost impossible amount of toleration for a Christian maiden of the Middle Ages to regard union with a Jew as anything other than unnatural." (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. XV, 1886.)

This testimony of a pre-Hitler Jewish scholar is extremely valuable, all the more so as it is supported by several other leading Jewish authorities on the question. The Rev. Dr. Hermannn Adler, for instance, in 1886, declared that "on the whole there had not been any large foreign admixture with the Jewish race." (Journ. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. XV, p. 56.) And his point of view is confirmed by Maurice Fishberg who as late as 1911 took the view that "The Jews are an exception among a world of universally mixed races." (The Jews, 1911, p. 21.)

All these Jewish writers were however anticipated by Benjamin Disraeli (later Lord Beaconsfield) who in an essay on the Jews written in 1850 everywhere speaks of them as a race and ascribes their genius and power precisely to the fact that they were an inbred homogeneous division of mankind. (Biography of Lord George Bentinck, pp. 482-507.)


Another Jewish scholar, Dr. Arthur Ruppin, writing as recently as 1930, not only claimed for the Jews a particular type as the result of their centuries of segregation and endogamy, but also outlined the probable ethnic components of modern Jews as Alpine and Oriente-Occidental Mediterranean. Thus, according to him, the Jew is destitute of any Nordic component. (Sociotoqie Der Juden, Vol. I, p. 24.)

We may perhaps be allowed to suspect the zeal with which these prominent Jews tried in the days before German National Socialism to defend the "purity" of their race and thus to distinguish it from the Goyim among which it dwelt more or less as an alien element. But we cannot dismiss their arguments as negligible.

For even if race-pride might here and there have led them into exaggerations, what chiefly interests us today is the fact that they could, in pre-Hitler times, make a powerful plea for the purity of their stock and therefore for its radical difference from the rest of Europeans and their kind across the seas, without being hissed out of court by every other European Jew, or being prosecuted for "leading to a breach of the peace" as they would be now, under the New Public Order Act in England, for example, if they voiced such views from one of the granite platforms of Nelson's column in Trafalgar Square.

And now, let us see what happened the moment the German National Socialists themselves began, on the score of the Jews' alleged alien nature, publicly to maintain that they could be justifiable differentiated from the rest of the population, and treated as the strangers which the pre-Hitler Jewish scholars had, right up to 1930, claimed that they were.

The first reaction, at least in England, to this attitude on the part of the German National Socialists was to follow the precedent found so useful during World War I, which was to rouse public indignation by a skilfully manoeuvred "atrocity campaign" in which the German "anti-Semitic" sentiments and measures were held up to public obloquy.

And, as the channels of publicity in England were largely in Jewish hands, the English masses, high and low, were soon supplied with what purported to be authentic cases of German cruelty and oppression in which the victims were all law-abiding and inoffensive Jews. Moreover, to support these Press accounts of official tyranny in Germany, scores of Jewish refugees poured across the North Sea, many of whom complained of having been "beaten up" by Hitler's Brown Shirts.

Parallel with this "atrocity campaign", however, a more subtle and insidious reaction gradually manifested itself in the form of a pseudo-scientific assault on all previous and widely accepted notions concerning the ethnic divisions of mankind.


Above all, we were invited and ultimately compelled by "experts" with impressive academic qualifications and bullying manners, not theretofore affected by scientific men, to believe that the very notion of trying to discriminate between Gentile and Jew was in itself quite otiose, as no such distinction had any scientific reality.

In fact, we were assured that there was no scientific validity whatsoever in the idea of Race; that it was an exploded myth. Scientists of repute were roped in to lend their authority to this startling point of view, and both in England and America their response was cordial and unblushing.

Nor did the fact that the anti-Semitism and Racial Laws of the German National Socielists happen to be connected with all kind of political threats (wholly imaginary as it turned out) to England's national safety, fail to lend strength and cogency to this form of propaganda; and when, later on, the bombing of English cities began in the minds of the populace to be associated with a foreign power which also taught racial discrimination, it did not need much "science" or the persuasions of anthropological "experts" to persuade the mob, high and low, that racial discrimination must be fundamentally mistaken.

Thus the very term "fascist" acquired a connotation wholly pejorative, and, becoming divested of all its original significance, was nailed to the national counter of England as a fraudulent and debased coin.


Never before in history had an ethnic group found to hand so easy a means of discrediting its enemies and associating ignominy with the policies they professed.

In England, champions like Professor Julian Huxley, Dr. A.C. Haddon and A.M. Carr Saunders, eagerly rallied to the Cause, and in a book entitled We Europeans published in 1935, maintained (p. 262) that "the Jews are no more a distinct sharply marked 'race' than are the Germans or the English. They are originally of mixed descent."

In America, Dr. Franz Boas, Prof. A.F. Montagu and Ruth Benedict joined in the chorus denying the validity of the very idea of Race, and argued that there was no difference whatsoever between men, no matter to what alleged 'race' they belonged.

The actual title of Ashley Montangu's book - Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy Of Race (1942), reveals the prejudice, not to say the fury, with which it was written, whilst in Race And Racism (1942) Ruth Benedict goes so far as to claim, against the verdict of history that even "culture is not a function of race" (p, 11).

To have recommended Vol. I of The Cambridge Ancient History to her would have been' a waste of time; for at that moment in the history of the Western World what was important was not truth or scientific accuracy, but the business of proving Hitler wrong and of saving the face of a powerful and wealthy section of the Western population.

Nevertheless, the more perspicacious Jews were not blind to the danger that threatened their assiduous propaganda if the more logical and alert of the English and American masses ever came to connect, not alone the outbreak of the second World War, but also the assiduous propaganda against the idea of race discrimination, with the desire the Jews had to combat and stifle the anti-Semitism revived by the German National Socialists.


It seemed therefore politic to throw the net of No Racial Discrimination as wide as possible.

The controversy about Race was consequently very gradually and insensibly diverted from a mere discussion about Jews and Gentiles and stealthily transformed into an assault on Race Discrimination in general.

Black and Yellow, Primitive and Barbarian, all peoples were declared equal and qualitatively undifferentiated - a doctrine which not only made the small nucleus of Jews perfectly safe, but also concealed from the masses the fundamental object of the whole propaganda, which was precisely this safety and immunity.

It was thus that, much to the distaste of thousands of less influential Jews, the argument against race discrimination was twisted into a plea for the complete equality of Blacks and Whites; and scientists both in Britain and in America soon rallied to the Cause of treatises demonstrating the psycho-physical identity of Negroes, Caucasians, Australian aborigines and Chinamen which soon flooded the bookshops.

In this way the blatant volte-face from strict endogamy and the pride of race, which had hitherto characterized the Jews, was concealed beneath an apparently humane appeal for universal racial equality, or, alternatively, for the suppression of all socalled "racial" differentiation as an exploded myth.

"The only difference between the white, the black, the white and black and the others," argued Professor Ashley Montagu "is their coat; there is no difference at all in their mental or temperamental qualities. No one ever asks whether there are mental and temperamental differences between white, black, or brown horses - such a question would seem rather silly; but when it comes to man, the prejudice of anyone who has ever made the statement that skin colour is associated with mental capacity is accepted as gospel. For such an assumption there is about as much justification that there exist substantial mental differences between the different colour varieties of setters." (Op. cit. Chap. 4.)


Even the most benighted Jew could recognize the speciousness of arguing that in Man morphological and pigmentary differences accompanied no characterological and mental disparities.

But the argument was meekly accepted as valid, because the important purpose was not to bolster up the Negro's self-esteem or the Australian aborigine's feelings of inferiority, or to put an end to distinctions which hurt their feelings. but to protect from suspicion and persecution the small powerful nucleus in the centre of the wide net that had been thrown, without calling particular attention to that nucleus.

Thus, to the embarrassment of both the English and American Governments (and ultimately even of those of France and Holland), a spirit of self-assertion and national sovereignty was instilled into non-Caucasian peoples everywhere, and the slogan "No Colour Bar" became all over Anglo-Saxonia and ultimately throughout the world a principle that inflamed popular passion.

In England even the daughter of a former Cabinet Minister married a Negro and many followed her example. Only the fewest saw in the rapid spread of the fundamentally genetic heresy any proof of the ease and certainly with which the boasted Anglo-Saxon "Right of Private judgment" could by skilful propaganda be directed towards any opinion which influential wirepullers desired.

Thus all pre-existing and instinctive barriers between different ethnic groups were broken down and the whole impressive Reformation made to appear d worldwide development of Christian charity and philanthropy.

The fact that it created vast political difficulties for all countries, including France and Holland, whose home or colonial populations contained not only large numbers of Blacks and mongrels, but also of Whites disinclined to adulterate their blood by any mixture with aliens, history soon proved. Nor do present conditions and the racial chaos in certain parts of the United States indicate that these political difficulties are insignificant.

Meanwhile, however, the relatively small minority - the nucleus - whose safety and immunity had been the principal object of all these reforms, remained snugly in ambush, triumphantly congratulating themselves on having escaped the suspicion of having been the prime-movers in the War against Hitler, which brought ruin to both the victors and the conquered, and the arch-authors of doctrines which were spreading social anarchy throughout civilization.

Indeed, one of the most awkward of the unforeseen consequences of the pseudo-scientific screen which the Elders of the Jewish community erected around themselves, and which they extended widely enough to embrace the non-White rabbles of the entire globe, was 'the claim soon to be advanced everywhere by any group conscious of its unassimilability, for "national Independence".

And, to the extreme discomfiture of all those statesmen wise enough to sense the great danger of thus parcelling out and multiplying small "nationalities" which must be a source of endless contention between all those larger States under whose protection these fractional groups necessarily had to nestle, the whole world became a patchwork of little nations incapable of self-protection.


So much for the "Progress" achieved during the last quarter of a century - that is to say, according to the time scale of world history, overnight - thanks to the most surreptitious and amazingly successful onslaught ever made by an omnipotent and determined minority, on a time-honoured, ancient, sacred and certainly instinctive devotion to the deep consciousness of • Race and the passion of Like for Like in all Mankind and even throughout the animal kingdom.

Professor C.D. Darlington, F.R.S., writing in Nature (July 5, 1958) said: "The repugnance of out-breeding of course is common to all life. The repugnance for inbreeding on the other hand is new."

Yes! And if people of short memories are tactless enough to ask "how new?" they will find the answer only by delving into the newspapers of forty-five years ago.

Indeed, so complete is the victory of those whose interest it was to abandon the distinction between Jew and Gentile and, in the process, to obliterate all racial discrimination whatsoever that, as Earl Winterton informed the British in 1953:

"One absolute taboo in the House of Commons since Hitler's persecution of the Jews, is any statement derogatory of the Jewish race." (Order of the Day)


No world-wide doctrinal reform has ever been more amazingly successful; for neither St. Paul himself with Christianity, nor Luther with Protestantism, was ever able to convert the whole universe.

But in the case of this propaganda in favour of Race extinction, for Jews to have been able to muzzle the Right of Freedom of Speech on one particular subject in an assembly such as "The Mother of Parliaments," in a nation which for centuries had basked in the sun of world-wide admiration for its championship of Freedom of every description - and to have succeeded, as they have done, in getting Western Governments and their leaders to impose equalitarianism on, and to break down the racial dynamism of their own peoples, while at the same time encouraging minority racism in their midst, to the point that Jewish publicists today describe their own people as a master race innately equipped with an intellectual apparatus making them superior to all other races and peoples everywhere - to have accomplished such feats of suppression surely constitute one of greatest miracles ever performed by the exclusive tribal god of old of the "chosen race."


THIS amazing 'miracle' in the world today- and which is responsible for the grinding assault on the racial backbone of White South Africa, twenty-four hours a day and every day of the year - is no less amazing than the unbelievable paradox that those who are in the forefront of breaking down discrimination and the racial dynamism of the peoples of the West are the very people who themselves live by a code of the strictest national, religious and racial exclusiveness.

Jewish laws regard racial purity as a commandment of the utmost importance.

Every Zionist conceives of the Jews in ethnic, rather than religious, terms. Zionist protagonists, whether moderate or chauvinistic, share in the unshakeable belief that the Jews are in the most basic sense a racial entity.

They consider themselves the highest incarnation of semitism (even though the vast majority of Jews in the world today are not of semitic stock) and boast of belonging to an elect and superior race.

Race, religion and nation have in fact been so fused in Zionism that none can say where the one begins and the other leaves off.

For them to solve the Jewish question by departing from their racial tradition of superiority would be to cease to be Jews


The man-in-the-street has never been allowed to know that it has been the continuation of the Jewish belief that they are the "chosen people" through and into the Christian era, and that all history is directed to their glorification, which are among the main causes of "anti-Jewishness" and which have wreaked such havoc among the nations of the world and brought successive disasters upon the Jews themselves.

On the one hand they have insisted on being a separate people; a fragmentized nation in dispersion, and on the other hand they have sought to change and refashion, after their own image, the religion, the traditions and the customs of the lands of their exile.

Their members have predominated among the revolutionary and subversive forces at work within, to undermine the racial and national structure of the country.

And they have sought through every medium of propaganda, the universal acceptance of heterogeneity so that their own failure to assimilate may pass unnoticed in the resultant dissonance.

In short - it can quite easily be shown that anti-Jewishness, or "anti-Semitism" as it is called for Zionist propaganda purposes, has been nothing more than a survival response by non-Jews, the Goyim, down the ages to the Jewish mystique.


For nearly two thousand years the inherited fibres of the Jew's very being has been saturated with their race's two-fold mission, of supplanting Christian civilisation and establishing Israel as the dominant ruling power of the world. "The law must go forth from Zion!"

The hope of world domination is not an idea attributed to the Jews by "anti-Semites" but a very real part of their traditions.

And in all matters appertaining to their global aspirations heavy reliance is being placed by world Jewry on the "anti-Semitic taboo," which today makes it virtually impossible to submit any Jewish activity or any aspect of the Jewish problem itself to free discussion and open enquiry.


Western leaders, and Western man himself, are still totally unaware of the intense racial activity that animates and activates world Jewry.

They still think that they are dealing with Jewish individuals in their midst,whereas they are confronted by a world movement that is a blend of fanatical racism and tribalism, and imbued with a sense of destiny that knows no bounds and brooks no opposition in its drive for world power.

What Western man has still to learn, and to learn fast, is that political Zionism is not only the oldest and most fanatical ethnocentrism in the world of today but that wherever Western man happens to live, he is in a racial war - and not a class or national confrontation - with the forces of world Zionism, which teach not only their own racial superiority, but whose aim is control and dominion over all the other races of mankind.

America and the West are in decline, their energies being used to further exterior causes which are not their own. They are in fact busy committing racial and national suicide.

It is going to take supreme courage on the part of men of the West to think these facts through and take public positions on them.

If the highly organised and worldwide campaign against racial discrimination, and against South Africa, underlines one thing, it is the pressing need for the whole question of Judaism, Zionism, the Torah, the Talmud, "anti-Semitism", and the whole matter of Jewish ethnocentrism to be opened up to free discussion and enquiry.

And to do this with the same intensity that Western man's customs, his traditions, his racism, his nationalism and his Christian faith, have since the end of the last war been subjected to the fierce and unremitting glare of public scrutiny by the Zionists themselves.


HONOURABLE, gracious, generous, open-minded, wide in sympathy, enlightened. Such are some of the effulgent meanings that my dictionary attaches to the word "liberal".

There was a time when it was unnecessary to turn to the dictionary when the word cropped up. It was once used correctly and aptly described the person or movement to which it was attached.

Today that's no longer the case. It has become a kind of front-word for every manner of neurotic hatred and longing, a rallying-banner for the mean, the stealthy, the ignorant, the haters of order, the self-piteous, the self-seeking and all the Dotty Oddies of the day.

Never has there been such a staggering spectacle of undone humanity since Dante lifted the stone from his imagination and gaped upon hell.

This "liberalism" creeps like a virus into every quarter of vitality in the State, insinuates itself into newspapers and runs out of the pores of television screens and loudspeakers, contaminating every question of importance with its disorder.

Over the straightforward style that marks the honest and the natural is laid a degenerate cosmopolitanism that attempts to persuade us by its word and sneers to abandon instinctive truth and join in the pit.

Little wonder that these same "progressives" - having created their own intellectual Inferno on earth - should now proclaim hell to be a thing of our primitive, obscurantist past and God himself to be somewhat questionable, except as the embodiment of man's first crude fumbling towards his splendid destiny - as announced by Karl Marx.

Dr. Verwoerd was right to warn South Africa of the dangers of being drawn into the "sickbed" of the modern world. - From "Southern Africa," London





JUDGE Watermeyer: It is not surprising, sister Annie, that all my rheumatic pains seem to have vanished after only a couple of days here in Jonkershoek (near Stellenbosch],

Miss Annie: Yes, this mountain air is a real tonic.

Judge Watermeyer: No, Annie, it's not the air, it's the atmosphere.

(As recounted by Mrs. Watermeyer in 1920)

ACCORDING to the Psalmist, "the days of our years are threescore and ten," but he adds that the days beyond fourscore years will be burdened with "labour and sorrow".

Lately I have repeatedly wondered what actually motivates me (now well beyond the allotted fourscore years) to concern myself in the pages of the South African Observer with what the future holds in store for this country of ours.

It is common knowledge that very few people ever take the trouble (supposing that they have the capacity to do so) to look under the surface of familiar thoughts and emotions such as love and hate, exaltation and boredom, generosity and jealousy, etc.

However, when you actually start out and attempt the analysis of your own sentiments and convictions, you are in most cases so flabbergasted by the complexity of your motives, some of them apparently in direct conflict with each other, that you very soon abandon your effort at self-analysis in disgust.

In this specific case, however, the dominant motive can readily be singled out and can be identified as "the fascination of the romantic."


Ever since my boyhood days, following the termination in 1902 of the Anglo-Boer War, I have been enthralled by the sheer romance of the emergence of an Afrikaner nation and its well-nigh incredible history. In some occult way the recognition of the romance inherent in certain historical records arouses within us an intangible but nonetheless very real and potent inward glow.

Such was the rapture I experienced when, still at school, I somehow got hold of a book containing a detailed account of the prodigiously improbable Boer victory in the Battle of Majuba, fought a century ago, as mentioned a few months ago in my July contribution to this journal.

Perhaps I should explain that in those days every conceivable method was applied in our school to Anglicise us. During school sessions, including "playtime", we were compelled to speak English. In our history lessons the main interest was the study of "English History" - 1066 and all that! I believe that around 1910 I was able to rattle off the names of all English kings from William the Conqueror and onwards - now happily forgotten.

Only scant attention was devoted to the past of our own country and in our prescribed book of "Cape History" anything to the credit of the Boers (Afrikaners) was strictly taboo - in it the word "Majuba" was missing. How it happened that our tiny school library contained the said book describing that crucial battle, I never bothered to find out.


When the First World War broke out in August 1914, I happened to be a first year student at the Victoria College (now the University of Stellenbosch).

The Peace of Vereeniging, where the Boer Republics had lost their independence, had been signed in 1902, only twelve years before the outbreak of World War I, and one of its numerous results was a serious split in the ranks of Afrikanerdom.

The followers of General J.B.M. Hertzog found to their dismay that all the daily newspapers, English and Dutch (Afrikaans was not an official language as yet), has chosen to side with the government of General Louis Botha, just as they are at present giving their support to the liberalist policy of Prime Minister P.W. Botha.

"They have robbed us of our newspapers," a complaint often heard in 1914 and 1915, has repeatedly been echoed by conservatives during the past several years. "Die Afrikaner," mouthpiece of the conservative Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP) appears only once a week and may in the near future appear on the newsstands twice weekly.

In conservative circles there has lately been much talk about launching once more a truly nationalist daily newspaper (the irony of it!) but the prospects are none too bright.


In 1915 there was a group of youngish enthusiasts who decided to do just that - to launch their own conservative newspaper - "De Burger". At first it was whispered that the most brilliant member of the religious leaders of the Dutch Reformed Church might be persuaded to become the editor of the planned newspaper. Later these whisperings were confirmed and Dr. D. F. Malan duly accepted the post of editor.

It was quite an achievement that "De Burger" made its appearance before the end of 1915 in spite of the unsettled state of the country following the outbreak of the world war in August 1914.

In Stellenbosch the arrival from Cape Town of the first copy of the newspaper was awaited by the student body with great enthusiasm. When the newspaper eventually arrived a relatively large number of students had gathered at a spot still known as "Die Laan", a lane of oak trees on one bank of the Eerste River.

Amongst us then was a theological student in his final year and very much senior in years to the rest of the students gathered there. His name Wynand C. Malan, has stuck in my memory to this day.

He was hoisted on the shoulders of some fellow-students, and in a clear voice he read to those then gathered there the first leading article written by Dr. D. F. Malan - destined to become Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa some 33 years later.

From that spot we marched in regular military style a goodly distance until we finally stopped at what was then known as Darter's corner, and which today may still be regarded as the heart of the Stellenbosch township. At that street crossing a copy of the Cape Times was ceremoniously set alight to celebrate the birth of our own newspaper.


This incident has been recalled here simply as a single example of how the Afrikaner has had to fight through these many years to retain that which is his own. For a long time since its birth in 1915, "Die Burger" has been regarded by Afrikaners as their own property ("dis mos ons koerant") in a very special sense.

Today "Die Burger" is no longer "ons koerant," our own newspaper. Its erstwhile pervading "atmosphere" has gone with the wind.

To complete the record, I feel obliged to mention briefly the surprising aftermath of the incident described above.

On Sunday, September 27, my wife and I paid a visit to some very good friends of ours, Mr. Pieter Theron and his wife. During relaxed and casual conversation, while I happened to be telling about our welcome of the first issue of Die Burger in 1915 in Cape Town, Mr. Theron got up and hauled out a copy of the previous day's newspaper, the "Beeld", to which he subscribed.

In this issue of "Beeld" appeared a photo of a certain Reverend Wynand Charl Malan who, at the age of 96, firmly intends to attend a reunion of former Stellenbosch students at their Alma Mater, this coming December. Accompanying the photo is a more detailed narrative of the welcome we accorded Die Burger way back in 1915 as told by the Reverend Wynand Malan, who added that during his forthcoming visit to Stellenbosch he intends to deliver a sermon there in spite of his 96 years.

As the grandson of General Piet Joubert, the supreme commander of the Boer forces in 1899 at the outbreak of the Transvaal's Second War of Independence, he may have something worthwhile to tell the students about the stronghold of conservative Afrikanerdom that Stellenbosch formerly used to be.


The above seemingly trivial incident is one amongst many others which stress the fact that the romance of Afrikanerdom's history does not stop with the Transvaal's First War of Independence in 1881. There is unquestionably an element of romance in the fact that ever since then, during the past century, the tiny Afrikaner nation has been playing an inordinately important role on the stage of international affairs.

Was it not Sir Winston Churchill himself who, in his writings and in a lengthy conversation with former President C.R. Swart, pointed out that it was the Boers who provided the first impetus to the decline and virtual disintegration of the British Empire when at the pinnacle of its might?

During the said conversation with Mr. Swart, who was deputising for Prime Minister Strijdom at an imperial conference in London, Churchill said that when the small and poorly disciplined Boer forces kept the mighty imperial armies at bay for close on three years, they demonstrated to the world at large that Britain was not as invulnerable as previously imagined.

The recognition of this fact by Germany and other nations led to the First and Second World Wars, the emergence of the two superpowers, Russia and America, and the retirement of Britain to a modest seat in the background.

The prominent part played by Afrikaners in numerous other fields, such as the world's first heart transplant at the Groote Schuur hospital near Cape Town, need not detain us here.

Even the worldwide crusade against the Whites of South Africa led by Soviet Russia and still sheepishly echoed by the U.S.A., despite President Reagan's show of new vigour, has given Afrikaners unsolicited prominence as happened last month during demonstrations by the mindless mobs in New Zealand against the Springbok rugby tour through the country.

When the inevitable backlash comes, all this unsought publicity may well prove to be an item on the credit side of the Afrikaner's account.


In the concluding paragraphs of my last month's article in this journal I insisted that amongst the numerous problems facing our country "the most urgent problem demanding immediate attention is the future of South West Africa." Furthermore that "negotiations with the United Nations about SWA should be stopped" 'and "that the territory be incorporated as a fifth province of South Africa where it belongs".

I still believe that this question should be regarded as Priority number one. Happily, the official negotiations about the territory have once more bogged down and there still remains the possibility of preventing the final surrender of the territory - as has happened in the case of Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe).

Accordingly, it may serve as a useful guide to put down here some of the most pertinent facts about SWA.

In 1919, when the Versailles peace treaty was signed following the end of the First World War, the mandate of SWA was assigned to South Africa by the League of Nations. The official document says:

"The Mandatory shall have the full power of administration and legislation over the territory as an integral portion of the Union of South Africa." (Art 2: Mandate for German South West Africa.)

For her own particular reasons, the USA did not like the existing state of affairs - she wanted to see SWA as an independent territory and she persuaded the two then-existing independent states in Africa, Ethiopia and Liberia, to start a legal action against South Africa in the World Court at the Hague.


The South African Prime Minister, Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, who was aware of America's machinations, at a National Party rally in April 1964 warned America and the United Nations what South Africa's views on the matter were. As quoted in United Nations Document A 5707, May 25 1964, page 13, Dr. Verwoerd said:

"I do not want to leave the people under any illusions. We will fight with our economic strength if it is boycotts we face, and with our sons and daughters and ourselves if it is force. For us it is a matter of life or suicide. If this has been true when the nation was small and weak and without economic or military power, how much more true is it not now that South Africa is strong."

When in due course the case came up for consideration there was mounting worldwide interest in what the findings of the World Court concerning SWA would be. The American government was convinced that the court's verdict would be in their favour, but it was not.

In the court's Official Document - Ethiopia and Liberia versus South Africa, the Court's finding reads: "No individual State has any legal right or interest in the manner in which South Africa performs its obligations."

Hence, according to the verdict of the World Court, South Africa has the sole authority for the administration of SWA. In spite of America's subsequent manoeuvres and the "packing" of the World Court, the 1966 finding as officially documented remains unaltered.


It may be interpolated here that seven weeks after the verdict by the World Court, Dr. Verwoerd was assassinated by a foreigner, hired or inspired for the dastardly deed by some secret agency not as yet identified.

When, in September 1966, Mr. B.J. Vorster was chosen to succeed the murdered Prime Minister, he assured the country that he would follow in Dr. Verwoerd's footsteps and it seemed that, with regard to SWA, this was his firm intention when he addressed a meeting in Windhoek the following year.

According to an account in the book, "Vorster, die Mens", by John D'Olivera, nearly 2 000 worried white South Westers attended a meeting where the Prime Minister was expected to make an important statement.

At the meeting he assured the large gathering and the country as a whole that the bonds between South Africa and SWA would be tightened.

All the trouble about, and in SWA, started when the next year, in 1968, it became evident that Mr. Vorster was not prepared to honour his solemn pledge given to the people of SWA and also to the people of the Republic.

One concession after another was made until on April 30, 1973, he wrote to Dr. Waldheim, the secretary , of the United Nations,: "The South African Government does not lay claim to any part of South West Africa."


The new Prime Minister, Mr. P.W. Botha, seems to be as determined as his predecessor to surrender SWA to a Black government.

When we take note of the fact that not only Mozambique and Angola, but unbelievably also Rhodesia, have fallen into the hands of Moscow's puppets, there seem to be ample grounds for fearing that a similar fate awaits SWA once a Black government is established there.

Fortunately, for South Africa it seems that more people are beginning to realize this danger.

In Die Afrikaner of September 30, 1981 there appeared a call by Mr. J.A. Marais, the leader of the Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP), for a massive protest by all patriotic South Africans against the policy followed by Mr. P.W. Borha's government with regard to the surrender of SWA.

A most hopeful sign for the future is that this call is signed not only by Mr. Marais but also by the leaders of two other conservative groupings, Dr. Connie Mulder and Mr. Eugene Terreblanche. [Yes, this is the same Eugene Terreblanche who on April 3rd, 2010, was hacked and beaten to death on his farm by two of his negro laborers over a wage dispute. The murder is very likely a part of a larger pattern of anti-white murders of farmer in South Africa. - WRF]


THE MP for Lichtenburg and Minister of Education and Training, Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg, rushed back to the constituency from Cape Town on September 25 to salvage what he could of the crumbling local NP executive.

It is understood that all but one member of the executive committees of the two National Party branches in the constituency have resigned and that none of the remaining members are willing to fill the vacant posts.

Last month the chairman of the National Party Lichtenburg divisional executive, Mr. Piet Steinman, and a former Nat MPC - resigned their posts and left the party.

Mr. Beyers joined the HNP and Mr. Steinman is expected to do so shortly.

Mr. Beyers said on September 22 that at a meeting 49 members resigned including all but one of the branch executive. He estimated that there were about 60 members in the branch.

On September 22, 12 of the 47 members of Mr. Beyers former branch also resigned. Nearly all the remaining members indicated that they too were considering quitting the party, he said.

The resignations were in reaction to the National Party's "integrationist policies," Mr. Beyers said.



THE FOLLOWING report by Keith Abendroth in The Citizen, Johannesburg, on September 23 accurately reflects the mounting tide of the resentment and the anger of the man-in-the-street against the dictatorialness of the P.W. Botha bureaucracy. - Editor, S.A. Observer

PROMINENT Pretoria industrialist and company director, Mr. George van Greunen, is angry, disappointed and unhappy over the success of his Supreme Court appeal against a conviction for not wearing a safety belt in his car.

On September 23 he told the authorities: "I am hoping to do it again and again - refuse to wear a safety belt. And I challenge you to come and get me. I will rather serve a prison sentence that give in to this absurd, freedom-defeating law."

He has cut production at his strategically important factory by 20 percent and resigned from the Manpower 2 000 project to register his opposition to "the socialist state South Africa has become."

In an interview with The Citizen, Mr. Van Greunen said that the success of his appeal on September 23 against the conviction was "a win with a helluva bitter taste" .

He had hoped to be able to state his views on the enforced wearing of seat belts. But he was denied the opportunity when the Supreme Court set aside his conviction on a technicality.

In an outspoken interview he said that South Africa was becoming increasingly socialist - "Ruled by drab, mediocre little pen-pushers in a bureaucracy"

"And each one of these little men is blithely empire-building, with the backing of the State, and preparing the country for a socialist handover to Russia.

"I am beginning to wonder if we have anything left to fight for against Marxism. The way things are we are giving it all to Russia on a plate. All we have to get them to do is go to church and they would have the country the way they want it," he said. Mr. Van Greunen said that he was using the seat belt issue to illustrate just how great the inroads were that had been made on personal freedom in South Africa.

"We are a great nation for legislating for everything and legislating personal freedom out of existence. We claim to believe in the free enterprise system, but we are actually so far away from it that we are insulting it," he said. "Simply, this law means a complete incursion by the State into my personal freedom. The State has no right to order me to wear a belt. My body is my own and I can do with it what I want. If I choose to put it in 'danger' by not wearing a seat belt - and as long as I endanger nobody else through my actions - it has nothing to do with the State."



DR. H.F. VERWOERD has become a victim of a tragic trend among Afrikaners to severely criticise and talk disparagingly of former celebrated leaders of their people.

This "ugly phenomenon" which had reared its head among the Afrikaner nation, was criticised by Dr. J.A. Hurter, former chairman of Volkskas, when he delivered the seventh H.F. Verwoerd memorial lecture at the University of Pretoria last night.

This tendency was a folly of the so-called modern times, notwithstanding the benefits they had brought along, said Dr. Hurter. It was even more tragic because in criticising the leaders, negative standards were used to judge them and thus the standard of the victims was wrongly assessed.

Should the present standards by which Afrikaners judged their past leaders be applied retrospectively, said Dr. Hurter no monument would be erected for any of their leaders. This would include leaders such as former Prime Ministers Vorster, Malan, Strijdom and Hertzog.

In radical contrast with Dr. Verwoerd's philosophy of life and the rich heritage of spiritual assets he left his people there was today in the country a wild chase after money and profit. Frequently usurious gains were made and these were responsible for "our high inflation rate," he said. For some people gaining material wealth had become the highest ideal.

Dr. Verwoerd was a dedicated Christian who had complete faith in God. He was a hard working, diligent leader who would not tackle anything half-heartedly. He was honest and a man of integrity. He was a humble and friendly person. He had a single-mindedness of purpose and was full of determination.

He recalled how Dr. Verwoerd dedicated himself to the implementation of his policy of apartheid or separate development.

He told of the astuteness with which Dr. Verwoerd responded unprepared to the "winds of change" speech by British Premier Harold MacMillan.




THE National Party Government would betray the Whites of South Africa, Mr. Jaap Marais, leader of the Herstigte Nasionale Party, said in Pretoria on September 17.

Addressing the 12th Annual Congress of the HNP after he had been re-elected leader, Mr. Marais said: "A nation cannot be destroyed, it can only be betrayed."

He said the Whites in other Africa states such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, had been betrayed by their Governments and allies of these governments.

"This Government is also going to betray you like the governments of those countries betrayed their Whites," he added.

Mr. Marais said the increased support the HNP had received during the General Election in April still had its effects.

One was that Afrikaans newspapers and the SABC had not reported anything on the public meeting he addressed in the Pretoria City Hall on September 16.

The HNP announced on September 18 that a loose alliance of conservative groups had been formed to fight for continued white supremacy in South West Africa.

The disclosure was made at the HNP Congress in Pretoria by the general secretary of the party, Mr. Louis Stofberg.

He said Dr. Connie Mulder of the National Conservative Party (NCP) and Mr. Eugene Terre Blanche of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) had responded to the HNP's call for unity on the SWA issue.

The call was issued on September 17 by the party's leader, Mr. Jaap Marais. He told the congress that the first priority of the Right was to "save the whites in SWA".

They would suffer the same fate as whites in Zimbabwe if SWA. fell into the hands of either Swapo or Mr. Dirk Mudge and his "mixed gang", Mr. Marais said.

On September 18 Dr. Mulder and Mr. Terre Blanche sent telegrams to Mr. Marais pledging their support for the cause of white unity in SWA.

They also pledged their support in the parliamentary by-election in Piketberg.

The leader of the HNP in SWA, Mr. Sarel Bekker, said on September 17 the National Party had a calculated scheme to drive conservative Afrikaners out of the territory by forcing integration.

He said that by ridding itself of the SWA problem, the Government would only be drawing the guerrilla war right on to South Africa's borders.


THERE can be no compromise with atheistic communism - no halfway in the preservation of freedom and religion. It must be all or nothing. - General Douglas A. MacArthur.



A MUCH more "sober" budget was laid before Parliament on August 12 for the present financial year, as compared with the previous year's budget. As to be expected, economic realities are now catching up on the government. And with the election out of the way the real economic problems are now coming to the fore once again.

The Minister of Finance is clearly walking the tightrope. His alternatives at this moment of time are limited and this could have been otherwise if a more sober approach had been followed last year.

Nonetheless, the Minister tried to limit tax increases to the minimum and resort only to certain excise duties to alleviate the deficit. This, of course, after certain subsidies had also been reduced which can also be seen as an alternative to a tax increase.

More troubled waters nevertheless lie ahead. Again the Minister is gambling and not planning. He is gambling clearly on a higher gold price in the hope of minimising tax increases in the budget of March 1982. The public will be well advised to plan for higher taxes next year. This means a decline in real purchasing power and therefore lower turnovers.

Because money will remain scarce and expensive (also after the address of the President of the Reserve Bank), the strengthening of liquidity is of the utmost importance. - Financial Correspondent



THE inflation rate is now running at 16,1 percent amid a strong warning that the cost of living spiral should be stopped from reaching 20 percent.

Inflation is 1,7 percent higher than in July, according to figures released by the Department of Statistics. The figure for the lower income groups is 17,5 percent and on food alone 23,1 percent.

Meanwhile, the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut warns in its latest issue of "Volkshandel" that the fast increasing inflation rate must be stopped in its "dangerous path" before it reaches 20 percent and strenuous efforts should be made to reduce it to less than 10 percent.

With millions of blacks unemployed, it would be politically dangerous to curb inflation by limiting economic growth, says the institute. The country had to find a solution for keeping the inflation rate below 10 percent without stagnation.



AN anonymous petition against "excessive Blacks" on television programmes and demanding that this medium should be used to develop Afrikaner culture was circulated at the annual congress of the National Conservative party (NCP) in Pretoria last month.

The petition, which was addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, the Chairman of the SABC Board and the Head of TV Services, warned: Unless you respond to this plea of the Afrikaner nation in its hour of need, we will be forced to Rut this serious matter right through other means and channels."

Signatories to the petition "protest in the strongest terms as White Afrikaners to excessive Blacks" on television programmes.

They also demand that TV should be used to develop Afrikaner culture as well as to re-arm the Afrikaner nation culturally and morally - "not to take us to pieces and annihilate us, not to embarrass us and give us a guilty conscience, not to humiliate us."

"We no longer want this violation of our language over the radio and television and we do not want the abundance of Blacks forced down our throats."

"We are not so interested in their culture and we refuse to share our culture with them or to deliver it to them be trampled by them."



THE SUBJECT of God's chosen people is one that often comes up in certain religious circles. There are different schools of thought on this subject, but it is my hope to look at what the Bible has to say in the hope of clearing up some of the misconceptions from both sides.

Who are the chosen people? Are they, as most fundamentalist Christians assert, all Jewish people in every age? Christ himself would have had trouble swallowing that one.

In the 8th Chapter of John's gospel Jesus tells a certain group of Jews that their father is the devil! Hardly a statement that God's Son would make to some of those who were members of the chosen people!

From that one instance alone, we would have to conclude that all Jews are not chosen by God. On this one passage of Scripture alone, the fundamentalist position on this question collapses! - AI Benson, Jr., in "The American Sunbeam".



INFLATION of our money is caused by the deficit spending policies of the Congress ... Naturally there are other factors that aggravate inflation, but the conscious action of the government is at the root of it.

Therefore it does little good to denounce the oil companies, the utility companies, or the supermarkets, as some people do when they write to me. We might as well blame inflation on sunspots or the configuration of the stars. None of these agencies has the right to print money and declare it legal tender.

Inflating the currency is tantamount to theft. it is a form of embezzlement, a 'covert operation' if ever there was one, and an immoral act.

This derives from the commandment Thou shalt not steal, which applies as much to governments as to individuals. - U.S. Senator Jesse Helms.



THE Government's panic at the dramatic recent growth of the rightwing movement has been officially acknowledged by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pik Botha.

In a major speech in Parliament on September 21 Mr. Botha said that shortly after the April election, South Africa has told the Reagan Administration in America it feared that too-rapid implementation of reform could lead to a white backlash that might topple the Nationalist Government.

If the Government were unseated it would be by the Herstigte Nasionale Party, not the Progressive Federal Party, he said.

But Mr. Botha denied accusations that the Prime Minister, Mr. P.W. Botha, was backtracking from reformist promises.

Later, Mr. Botha returned to the subject and denied that the Government was allowing the HNP to dictate its pace.

But he said if the National Party fell or broke apart, that party would replace it.



THE Prime Minister, Mr. P.W. Botha, and his advisers have effectively destroyed the ideological stability the National Party has enjoyed for 30 years, says leading historian Professor A.P.J. van Rensburg.

The result is that Afrikanerdom is splitting and Nationalists are confused, writes Professor Van Rensburg, associate professor of history at the University of Pretoria, in his new book "Africa's Men of Destiny".

"The psychology of apartheid has been tampered with to a point where many Nationalists, especially the traditionalists, no longer know where they are going," he says.

Afrikanerdom is splitting simply because "you cannot tell people for 30 years their very survival depends on the rigorous implementation of a totally packaged ideology, and then expect them to understand you and remain united when you imform them that segregation does not matter at ali," he writes.

Mr. Botha made the most right-wing speech of his premiership during the last No-Confidence Debate in Parliament.

Professor Van Rensburg sees the Prime Minister as a leader moving "backwards fast" because he "has no intention of presiding over the burial of white authority". But, he points out, Mr. Botha knows that he cannot go on in the old apartheid way any longer.

"Mr. Botha has told his followers they must 'adapt or die', and this is no idle threat", writes Professor Van Rensburg. "He has started something now which is irreversible - Pandora's box is open."



TWO MEMBERS of the Wit Kommando recounted past experiences of violent upheaval when they pleaded in mitigation of their roles in sabotage and possession of stolen arms.

At the end of the Pretoria Supreme Court trial, Mr. Justice Curlewis on September 22 sentenced Massimo Domingo Bolio to an effective 10-year term and Fabio Miriello to an effective five years, telling them that their harrowing experiences could not justify their actions.

Passing sentence, Mr. Justice Curlewis said the two men were sincere in their views that White civilisation in South Africa was heading forthe rocks. However their total disregard for law and order could not be tolerated" in a civilised society. Such behaviour would lead to total anarchy.

"Points in their favour were that they avoided danger to life and limb, they had no support from any organisations in South Africa or overseas and they had no intention of overthrowing the Government," the judge said.

They did not corrupt any young people by encouraging them to undergo military training and they were completely honest when they gave their evidence to the court.

As to the deterrent effect of punishment, Mr. Justice Curlewis said there was no evidence that any other persons had intended following their example.

Much evidence had been led about their personal circumstances but these were outweighed by the gravity of their offences.


Mr. Justice Curlewis said the implications of the present political situation in South Africa were outside his frame of reference, but however lofty their political ideals were, their behaviour could not be excused in any circumstances.

Bolio had suffered unpleasant experiences in Angola and other African countries which had left a permanent impression on him and fortified his views of the political situation in South Africa.

The fact that he never became a South African citizen cannot be held against him as it was more convenient for him to have an Italian passport because his company sent him to African countries.

Turning to the second accused, Miriello, the judge said he had a good reputation as an upright citizen who was respected by his peers. He was born in Italy, settled in South Africa and became a South African citizen.

He obviously held sincere and deep views about segregation. His concern was not so much as to change the political structure in South Africa but rather to maintain the status quo.

Mr. Justice Curlewis said the charges overlapped to a certain extent and he had to impose mandatory five years sentences on the charges of sabotage. Passing sentence, the judge said he had to take the accumulative effect of sentences on 13 charges into consideration otherwise an accumulation of sentences would become a sledgehammer. Periods of imprisonment of 50 or 60 years would become meaningless.


Bollo was sentenced to a total of 51 years imprisonment, five years on counts of sabotage, one year on each charge of theft, housebreaking and being in possession of stolen property. Since the sentences will run concurrently with the sentence on two charges of sabotage he will spend 10 years in prison.

Bollo, born in Somalia, told of his childhood experiences in four African countries which gained independence from colonial rule.

He said Somalis staged a riot one Sunday morning in 1948 and about 700 Italians attending Mass in a local church were forced to barricade themselves inside - where they remained besieged for 25 days.

"It started at 11 am on a Sunday morning. We were all at mass in the cathedral," said Bollo. "I remember 52 Italians were killed and a good part of the population. "

Bollo said there were two things he remembered well. One of these was the extreme heat which caused the floor tiles to explode. The other was a woman screaming hysterically at her husband who entered the church with his face bloodied after being cut with a knife. He later died.

"My father's farm and houses were lost. Most of the houses of Italians were ransacked," said Bollo.

His father - a civil engineer - decided that he and his family should return to Italy. But his father was unable to adapt to postwar Italy and the family returned to Somalia. The political tension became unbearable and they decided to go to Kenya where everything was stable until late 1952.


Then, when the Mau Mau emerged, the country came to a standstill and the family moved to the Belgian Congo. But Bollo and his mother and brother first had to stay in a Nairobi hotel for five months while their father arranged for their admission to the country.

It was here that Bollo saw a white woman being thrown to the ground by a black man. "I also saw a man come into the hotel lounge covered in blood with his eyes staring fixedly. People started collecting money," said Bollo.

"My mother later told me he was a farmer whose farm had been destroyed and his wife and children had been hacked to pieces."

In July 1953 the whole family went to the Belgian Congo. Here he attended a Jesuit school and everything was peaceful until 1960 when he matriculated.

The court then heard how a schoolfriend's father, a businessman, was crucified on the door of his shop.

After independence, the military garrisons revolted and the whites were defenceless because their arms had been confiscated by the new government.

The remaining whites were airlifted to Burundi and after independence "the same thing happened there as in the Congo."

He claimed that in all the countries he spoke of, the media had played a major role in propagating the changes that had to come, urging whites to "abandon their prejudices."

Once again the Bollos had to move on, leaving most of their possessions behind them. They were looking for a country in which to settle and the turning point in their lives was a speech by former Prime Minister, Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, which was relayed by the French service of Radio South Africa.


He heard Dr. Verwoerd saying that he was appalled by the events in the Congo and that South Africa was committed to the defence of White civilisation.

The family came to South Africa and Mr. Bollo joined the Provincial Administration as a civil engineer to make a new start at the age of 55. Massimo Bollo studied engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand for a year and then joined Olivetti in Johannesburg. He later returned to Zaire, the former Belgian Congo, to sell whatever property of his father he could find.

In 1970 he went on contract to Angola to represent Olivetti in Luanda and everything was peaceful until the 1974 coup in Portugal.

After the communist junta came to power in Angola, Bollo said, he had experiences similar to those he had in other African countries and he returned to South Africa in January 1975.

On his return he noticed "shocking things were happening," Bollo said. The Afrikaans media had become as liberal as their English counterparts.

"I noticed the crumbling of the walls of apartheid." Bollo said academics had also played a major part in this process.

In reaction, he formed an organisation called Unido, (United International Defence Organisation), aiming to unite the Latin community in South Africa in civil defence action and training.

He said when he informed Security Police of his plan they keenly accepted it.

When Unido collapsed due to a lack of funds, Bollo decided to risk resorting to "illegal methods to get my message across",

He said that by his actions he wanted to "awaken" South Africa's whites to the realities of racial integration.

He chose to attack the offices of two Afrikaner academics, Professor Jan Lombard and Professor F.A. Maritz, because the thoughts of Afrikaner academics had a major impact.


The other convicted accused, Fabio Miriello, said he had qualified at the University of Milan as an engineer before he came to South Africa.

In his pleadings, Miriello spoke of the "rule of terror" by communist partisans he experienced in Milan, Italy, in 1945. Thousands of non-communists were rounded up and killed, he said.

He came to South Africa in 1977, and later joined the Citizen Force, in which he held the rank of Staff Sergeant. He worked on the railways as an engineer.

He read a good deal of philosophy and he was avowedly anti-communist.

Miriello said he launched a monthly Italian-language newspaper, Neuropa, in 1976, to warn people that white civilisation in South Africa was threatened.

He later realised that it was necessary to act as well, and this was how he became involved with the Wit Kommando, he said.


A 25-page manifesto, entitled "Motivation," written by Miriello during his seven months in police detention, and in which he described in detail his philosophies and beliefs - his motivation for his actions - was handed into court as mitigating evidence.

In it Miriello told how he became a "traditionalist" with its philosophy of radical criticism of the modern world in all its expressions.

The modern world, he said, had become a dominion of matter, mass and numbers.

Later he said. "I wish to refer to the South African situation. To my mind South Africa is a fragment of Europe grafted on another continent ... "

He said that a will to maintain one's racial integrity, to withstand the most destructive influences of presentday civilisation, "which is communism," and to do all this in the name of principles, be they of a religious or political nature, were all elements clearly distinguishable in the South African society, as has been the apartheid system," he wrote

"Racial separation is nothing new in history. In actual fact this is the rule both in the natural world and in the human one."

He described the values necessary to provide protection against Marxism: life as service instead of as a search for happiness: heroism against search for happiness: Heroism against utilitarianism; blood against money; difference of rank against equality; justice against indiscriminate freedom; sense of "distance" against the pathos of "togetherness"; inequality against fraternalism and the ethics of honour ...

LIBERTY and equality are not associates but enemies. - Hillaire Belloc.



From J.C. WINTER (Pretoria):

THE Divisional Committee of the National Party in Waterberg issued a statement in 1975 in which it said it did not "feel happy about invitation teams in rugby and cricket."

Waterberg is Dr. Andries Treurnicht's constituency and, with a little prodding from him it was decided at the time to take the lead against any further moves by Mr. Vorster to water down the Government's sports policy.

The divisional committee's statement was meant to tie Mr. Vorster down to a policy that would exclude both merit selection in sport at club, provincial and national level - "So that club, provincial and Springbok teams remain White teams, now and in the future."

It all reminded one of a game South African children play, when they draw a line in the sand with their big toe and challenge their opponent to step across it. It is a rural rather than an urban game, because it's difficult to draw lines with your toes on macadamised streets, even if your toes are tough from walking barefoot.

It is an interesting psychological game, as it reflects the reluctance of the line-drawer to come to blows with his opponent - and of his opponent to come to blows with him.

The boys do little war-dances on either sides of the line, challenging each other to cross it, and putting on a tremendous show of bravado, like two fighting cocks. The game can be resumed day after day, month after month, year after year, until the boys grow up and go their separate ways.

This is what Dr. Treurnicht has long been doing. He draws a line and challenges the Prime Minister (first Mr. B.J. Vorster and now Mr. P.W. Botha) to cross it, and if the Prime Minister crosses it, he wil draw another line and challenge him to cross that one.

Dr. Treurnicht has been playing this game for years now, and has taught most of his fellow M.P.s. to play the game with him.

What he doesn't seem to know is that in shielding conservatives and himself, from the deviationist follies of the Vorsters and the P.W. Bothas, he has served no other purpose than to fill the National Party with fools.


IF OUR elected parliamentary representatives are not able to find simple conservative solutions to the nation's problems, maybe they are the main part of the problem and have not yet discovered that they are supposed to be a part of the solution! - C.D.L. (Durban)

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INSTEAD of proclaiming the good news of eternal life, the political priests have allowed themselves to become grubby agents of "social gospel" which concerns itself with housing rather than with heaven and with mongrelising the White race rather than with salvation. - C.J. (Durban)

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THE POLICY of "narrowing the wage gap" without having due regard to productivity is not based on sound economic considerations but on socio-political considerations. Consequently it must lead to grave distortions in our economy which in the end will seriously injure the whole of South Africa. - L.S. (Pretoria)

* * *

IT MAKES no sense for the Reagan Administration to condemn forced busing of school children on one hand while proposing on the other that black and white pupils be bribed to ride racially integrated buses to each others' schools.

Yet this has happened in St. Louis, Mo., where the Justice Department has proposed free college tuitions as an incentive to parents and pupils to desegregate public schools of St. Louis and its suburbs.

- R.G.P. (Jackson, Miss, USA)

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HUMILITY towards God is proper, but humility before the black agents of communism in Africa is disgraceful and insane. - F.M.R. (Pretoria)

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SOME leading Afrikaners seem to be "thankful" that it was foreigners, and not Afrikaners, who were behind the Wit Kommando Group.

But bearing in mind the more extreme actions of some members of that patriotic Afrikaner organisation, the Ossewa-Brandwag, during the war years - and of which Mr. B.J. Vorster, and General H.J. van den Bergh and many other prominent Afrikaners were members - it is perhaps ironic that today we should see foreign-born Italians resorting to illegal means, and starting long prison sentences, for trying to "awaken" Afrikanerdom to the perils of racial integration and a black takeover of the country!

Every effect has a cause - and it is quite inconceivable that in the days of conservative leaders of the high calibre of Hendrik Verwoerd and Hans Strijdom, and of their predecessors, that an organisation such as the Wit Kommando could have, or would ever have, arisen in the country.

These are matters which all Afrikaners should seriously think on. - D.R.T. (Johannesburg)

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BECAUSE America arms Israel, and keeps her alive with billions of dollars each year, we should be able to exert leverage on her to help bring peace to the Middle East. We don't, because the Senate is far too subservient. The blunt truth is that Israel controls the Senate, and not forgetting our President. - R.W.C. (Washington, D.C.)

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IT IS SHOCKING to see men looking like girls with the long hair and all. You can't tell the difference. When a minister was sitting in a restaurant here in Los Angeles the other day a girl came in. The minister turned to the person at the next table and said: "Isn't it shocking how boys look like girls these days?"

"That's my son," said the fellow diner, pointing to the "girl" .

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were the mother."

"I'm not," said the neighbour indignantly. "I'm the father." - T.P.W. (Los Angeles, USA)

* * *

SITTING in the comfort of a Tel Aviv restaurant recently, we were revising the old six-day war crack about the peace-loving Israelis having a piece of Egypt, a piece of Syria and a piece of Jordan. Every peace they end up with more pieces! - J.P.T. (London, W.C.2.)

* * *

THE American researcher and historian, Dr. Anthony Sutton, claims that the super capitalists finance and use "communism" as part of their all-out war on free enterprise and the free world.

When asked if international capitalists are the big enemy of the communists, Dr. Sutton replied:

"Nonsense; they work hand-in-glove to rule the world." - W.O. (Washington, D.C.)

* * *

THE FOLLOWING question was put to Mr. P.W. Botha and members of his Cabinet:

"The National Party members of Parliament and the Government, as expressed by the Cabinet, are professed Christians. In these circumstances any sharing of power must destroy such a Christian-motivated government since it introduces Judaism, Mohomadism, Hinduism, Atheism and Communism, since all would be eligible to becoming the Government or members of the Government. Do you now by your policies intend to destroy National Party principles and permit the above to happen?"

The majority of the Cabinet Ministers to whom the questions were addressed made no reply. Only two of them did so.

It is now perfectly clear to me that the present Government, under the leadership of P.W. Botha, is grossly deceiving the Afrikaner people by forcing on them a policy of integration with elements bent on destroying Christianity in South Africa. - M.G. (Cape Town)

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LIBERALS and political priests seem to believe that the way to attain social stability is to destroy all the restraints of tradition, and that the way to combat Communism is to imitate Communist social doctrine. - P.W.B. (Johannesburg)

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YOU CAN tell when you are on the right road. It's uphill. - B.M.N. (Knvsna)

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THE official propaganda publications of South Africa, which I receive regularly, are becoming ever more blatant in assuring the world that white men in South Africa recognize their "obligation" to serve the noble Blacks and abase themselves before them.

They serve as ample proof that so many of the stalwart Nationalists of Verwoerd's day would rather make a fast rand today than give their posterity a chance of survival.

How the chief ostler, Harry Oppenheimer, must laugh as he gives his pet donkeys a handful of oats! - R.P.O. (Urbana, USA)

* * *

TO me the National Party was always my fortress, bullt on solid rock. I was secure. But now the foundation is crumbling.

I prefer to stand by my principles even if this means having to fight to the end to keep them, rather than to discard them as our Government is doing, to make life easier. - Z.M. (Johannesburg)

* * *

IT WILL take statesmanship, integrity and strong leadership to get back onto the true road of South Africa. Big money and Harry Oppenheimer will have to be brought under control. If not, South Africa will end up like all the other countries in Black Africa. - B.B.J. (Johannesburq)

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