Scotland, Free Robert Green Now!!!

Is this the Scotland of Robert Burns and William Wallace? We had a piece on this story in the February, 2012 Saxon Messenger. The synopsis of the Robert Green case below is courtesy of Mr. Mike Green, to whom we are appreciative.

You may recall that some time ago I alerted you to the case of Hollie  Greig. Hollie is a Downs Syndrome girl from Scotland who suffered abuse by a paedophile ring over a period of 14 years. When Hollie eventually told her mum Anne about what was going on, and Anne reported Hollie's abuse to Scottish police, the Scottish authorities went into overdrive to cover up the case. When Anne attempted to have the case investigated she was assaulted, drugged, placed in a mental hospital and told she was mentally ill. No proper investigation was ever carried out. The Scottish courts also blocked a BBC documentary that was being made about the case, and even issued an injunction preventing the BBC from reporting on ANY paedophilia taking place in Scotland. This is because those who Hollie named as being involved in her abuse included a judge, a senior police officer and members of social services among others. Hollie and Anne have had to flee Scotland and have since been subjected to abuse and intimidation by English police and social services. Despite the failure of the authorities to investigate this case, Hollie was awarded criminal injury compensation. This demonstrates that the authorities have accepted that Hollie was abused, but are simply not willing to expose the perpetrators.

Last week Mr Robert Green, a concerned citizen and friend of Hollie and Anne who has been trying to draw attention to this case, was imprisoned for one year by the Scottish courts. His terrible crime was that he was on his way to Aberdeen city centre to distribute leaflets relating to his intention to stand as a member of parliament on the issue of the failure of the Scottish authorities to investigate Hollie Greig's abuse. Robert's trial followed close on the heels of the trial of an "oil boss" who had some 50,000 images of child pornography on his computer. How many years imprisonment did this "oil boss" get? None, he was sentenced to community service. So in the UK we now have a situation where those involved in the abuse of children don't go to prison, while those who try to expose child abuse get locked away. Police have been coming forward in ever increasing numbers to report that investigations into paedophile gangs across the UK are being shut down when it becomes apparent that some of the paedophiles are "very important people", some of whom are members of the British parliament. Indeed police have stated that if we want to get to grips with the paedophilia situation in the UK, which is currently out of control, we need to begin in the heart of Westminster.

The radio programme linked below will provide you with much invaluable information about what is going on in this country regarding our children and the corrupt police and judicial system. This is serious folks, ignore it at your peril, otherwise it might be your children and grandchildren next.


The Lou Collins Radio Show : February 20th 2012. This week on The Lou Collins Radio Show, Lou speaks with Brian Gerrish from UK Column in regards to the recent arrest of Robert Green for the vicious crime of attempting to hand out leaflets.

Lou and Brian also speak with Ian Puddick about his continued fight against corruption and abuse of police resources.

The Lou Collins Radio Show airs each Monday at 11am GMT on Soundart Radio, 102.5FM Totnes and Online at