The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 9 - Harry Michael Ainsworth

In Algiers, Louisiana, Harry Michael Ainsworth was killed in cold blood right in front of his own children, as he heard a woman screaming and heroically attempted to come to his neighbor's aid, while it turns out that he interrupted a car-jacking.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 8 - The Wrong "Person"?

How could Casey Ray Vice's father even imagine that his daughter "fell in love with the wrong person"? That is the failure of Liberalism: to imagine that the lowliest scum of the planet could even be considered persons in the first place!

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 6 - Gorillas in the Midst

A race-mixing society is a decadent society indeed. Let this serve as a warning to all of those White men and women who think that race-mixing is acceptable behavior, when actually it is suicidal destruction!

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 4

The blood of 14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin is upon the heads of every White Liberal who ever sympathized with the idea that alien beasts should be allowed to dwell and roam about freely in a White society. Multiculturalism and diversity are code-words for genocide of the White race.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 3

Muslim rapists are rampaging Europe, and European women are the target of their beastly lust. These creatures are animals, and should be treated just as wild beasts are treated when they rampage city streets devouring innocent people. White man, wake up! Or do you not love your own mothers and sisters?

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 1

Once upon a time when aliens flooded a land and began raping the women, it was an act of war. The men of the land would rise up, the invaders were repelled or destroyed, and once the threat had been eliminated, repentance and a prayer for peace would again prevail in the hearts of the people.